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1.0, 2018-05-25

What Cookies are

  • Actions performed when you request a web page:
  1. You enter an URL in the top area of your browser window, e.g. "", or you click a link on a web page.
  2. The browser connects with the appropriate web server, providing the data of your request.
  3. The web server prepares an answer and sends it to your browser, which displays the new web page (or at least parts of a web page).
  • The actions numbered 1. to 3. are one step within a session of your browser with a web server.
  • When you click on a link in the web page, the actions 1. to 3. are repeated, thus a new step is performed.
  • Since a web server "forgets" what it has done at the end of each step, a mechanism is needed to temporarily store data, and provide it to following steps: cookies. Cookies are tiny files, temporarily stored on your device, and later read again. The data they contain is then again transmitted to the web server.
  • Cookies may contain personal data, they also can contain only non-personal data.

What we do with cookies and what we don't

  • We use cookies to automatically provide data to further steps when communicating with our web servers. These are, e.g., your preferred language, anti-robot tags, etc.
    We use them for your comfort, or to be enabled to provide a functionality we could not provide otherwise.
  • In cookies, we do not hold data that can be linked to you as a person. Thus, we do not use data for creating and maintaining user-related profiles, for tracking your visits of our web pages, for tracking your location, etc.
  • When one of our web pages is first displayed, we ask you to decide whether you want us to use cookies or not.
    If you have declined the usage of cookies, our web servers do not wirte cookies on your device. In consequence, certain functions may not, or only in a restrained mode, be available.
  • You are able to accept or decline cookie usage any time later by clicking the tab "Cookies" at the bottom left of the browser window.

Your Rights

Under der General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  2016 you have a number of rights with regard to your personal data, the right to restrict processing, object to processing as well a in certain circumstances the right to data portability.

  • You have the right to accept or decline the usage of cookies.
    So, some of the functions may or may not be available, or may be available in a restrained mode.
  • You have the right to receive information about whether, for what purpose, and which of your personal data is stored and processed by us.
  • You have the right to have us correct factually incorrect data.
  • You have the right to place a complaint to the data protection officer (DPO) if you believe that we have not complied with the requirements of th GDPR with regard to your personal data.

Identity and contact details of the data protection officer (DPO)

Send your requests or complaints to the data protection officer.

The role of the data protection officer is currently held by Alajos Peter Krasznai, CEO, dynKIT.

He can be reached…

  • by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (prefix the subject by [GDPR-DPO]), or
  • sending a letter to this postal address: Dr. A. Peter Krasznai, dynKIT DGPR-DPO, Le Paigre 46, CH-2947 Charmoille, Switzerland